Community Empowerment - Naibowa - Kamuli

Visit by Ida Bazonoona on 2018-03-07

Report ID
Created by
Ida Bazonoona
Created date
2018-03-09 03:47:33 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2018-03-09 08:18:41 UTC
Trip Time
10:36-18:12 (7 h 36 m)
Village Time
12:23-15:52 (3 h 29 m)
Travel Time
4 h 7 m

Current State

Participation Rating
Women are now free to share with Ida their personal issues even Success. 
Village Critical Needs
The biggest need is clean water, they share water with animals in the same pond. 
Village Action Steps
Continue working together and helping those in need. 
Staff Action Steps
Prepare lessons for the week. 
Sanitation Hygiene Committee
Water Users Committee
Other Class Notes
Community Ownership
Ownership Story
Though the source of water is salty and only used for giving animals, Naibowa cleans the place every Saturday. 
Three Stone Fires
Access to Clean Water
Open Defecation
Water Access Explain
The source of water they have is salty but still they maintain it because their animals benefit from it. 
Prevent Ownership
Allow Ownership
Working together has allowed them take ownership of their community. 
Village Notes
This community is busy preparing for planting others are already planting but still kept time for the meeting. 

Community Empowerment Lessons

Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Ida Bazonona 
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Lesson Taught
Anger Lesson 1: What is anger? 
Ida went to Naibowa and taught about "Anger Management " She asked the community what is Anger? Margaret said that it's a spirit that makes you do something bad, Muwada said that it's a temper but had to explain.Namulinda said that anger is anger. Ida assured them that by the end of the Anger lessons they will be able to tell what Anger is. When managing Anger, we have to know the four Gs. 1.... Genes This is our nature, black, short, tall, fat,small short tempered etc.God made us different and we have to respect each other. Since we are different each one does things differently. Do not expect every one to do as you do. 2.....Groups. These are communities we find our selves in. E.g. Mother, Father, Church School etc.Mother and Father both have different backgrounds and genes, at school we get many different people who too have their backgrounds. Here we have to again accept each one and learn them. Sometimes people act that way because of the family they came from. 3....Guidelines. These are very important when managing Anger. All the small groups we talked about have guidelines to prevent any one from causing danger, the guidelines show and teach good morals such that we live in harmony. Any entity without guidelines will not succeed but fail.When you know where Anger comes from then you will know how to manage it. 4....Goals. Anyone without a goal is already a failure, you won't know where you came from, where you are and where you are going. It's very important to have goals, e.g. In marriage the goal is to live together until death separates us. In school is to finish and be graduated, 
Next Visit
- Purpose:
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit