Water Sanitation and Hygiene - Kirwanire

Visit by David Balimunsi on 2020-09-25

Report ID
Created by
David Balimunsi
Created date
2020-09-29 09:31:34 UTC
Modified by
David Balimunsi
Modified date
2020-09-29 13:19:45 UTC
Trip Time
09:03-18:21 (9 h 18 m)
Village Time
11:54-15:40 (3 h 46 m)
Travel Time
5 h 32 m

Household visits

Which Survey
Number Of Households
Visits Purpose
More Sanitation encouragements 
Staff Attendees
David Balimunsi,Steven Kambale 
Government Attendees
LC1,VHT,Parish Councillor 
David and Steven were in kirwanire village . And their intentions of going there was to follow up on the homes which were still lagging behind so that they get to work and improve. As David and Steven were in the village they first met with Gerald mufumbiro one of the district councilor but so active who led them home to home into quite a good number of homes. They moved from the trading centre up to the upper section encouraging the residents to improve on their sanitation standards. Out of the different homes they visited this is what was noted . Because of the previous sanitation improvements meeting which was held it so much helped most of the people in the village. Also the most complicated members in the community for example Fraouk he was found when he had improved on his shower area. Yet he used to say that he will never do any to improve the sanitation of his family. However it was total joy for the kibo staff watching Fraouk saying that he was going to improve on the rest of all the other sanitation facilities in his mother,s home and his home to . David was so impressed because he knew that by only Fraouk starting to improve the entire trading centre will get improved. Reason was that Fraouk was one of the most prominent complicated members with in the trading centre which was having the most homes which had the greater need for sanitation improvements. Later after David and Steven having stopped their home to home movements they went to the home of the most active old ladies Florence Namuwanga. They wanted to know how the assignment they had left with her had progressed. They were so encouraged seeing that she had started encouraging the members to smear on their kitchens. And the different kitchens were looking good and it would even cause the furture sustainability of all the kitchens. Above all David noted that even some of the different homes which had not smeared yet they were in much need for Namuwanga Florence,s advice. Therefore because of the too much need for the smearing in some homes , therefore David had discussed it with the village chairman Bogere Hasani if one time in the village meeting they would assign Namuwanga Florence moving home to home during whenever the kibo were to be away in the village. Because Namuwanga was doing a greater job encouraging other members to improve on their kitchens by smearing on them . In general according to to David and Steven,s overview they see a greater change towards the sanitation improvements in many of homes around kirwanire village. 
Next Visit
2020-09-28 - Purpose: More sanitation encouragements and the improvements in the homes still lagging behind
Program Success
Yes they are busy working hard to improve on their sanitation standards
Program Critical Needs
More hygiene and sanitation improvements in the homes which are still lagging behind
Program Ownership
The sanitation committee members are so active and they feel concerned about the progress of the WASH program in the village.
Other Program Observations
They is greater need for the health and safe kitchens lessons program in the village reason because David saw some fire saving stoves in some homes which were not efficiently functioning.
Program Expected Of Village
The sanitation committee members will continue moving home to home along the weekend when every resident will be around in order to ensure they get improved.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
David will be phone calling Hasani Bogere the village chairman in order to check how they will be progressing