Healthy and Safe Kitchens - Bupeni

Visit by Suzan Winnie on 2021-03-29

Report ID
Created by
Suzan Winnie
Created date
2021-03-30 12:50:59 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-01-11 12:33:38 UTC
Trip Time
09:50-18:14 (8 h 24 m)
Village Time
12:26-15:34 (3 h 8 m)
Travel Time
5 h 16 m

Kitchens visit households

Healthy and Safe Kitchens 
Suzan went to the village to carry out the first evaluation process which is always done after the program implementation. This was intended to find out the total number of stoves built and if the members were effectively cooking on them, as well as finding out if there were any challenges they faced while cooking on them. Suzan went to the meeting place where she found three committee group members sitting under a tree. She was welcomed and then after exchanging greetings, she let them know about the activity to be carried out that day and requested they walk along together while visiting home to home for those who participated in the program activities. As they walked, Suzan kept on observing different facilities while asking the participants different questions concerning the improved stoves and other facilities. Questions such as how has the new improved stoves improved their daily lives since they began cooking on them and if there are still more challenges they are facing while cooking on them . Suzan was impressed to hear that almost all the members interviewed answered positively concerning the new stoves. The women said they no longer suffered from smoke inhalation, their husbands cooked together with them and there were no more accidents in the kitchens. The improved stoves cooked faster yet it saved firewood and also the kitchen looked much cleaner with no ash scattered around. All the kitchens were well smeared and roofed with high raised firewood stands inside. Suzan thanked all the members for the good work and encouraged them to always maintain and improve on their other facilities and also to work together as a team, and the meeting came to an end. 
Number of Households
Which Survey
Kitchen First Evaluation 
Visits Purpose
To identify the both the challenges and benefits for the fuel efficient stoves and find out possible solutions,and also to find out how many stoves have been built after the program implementation. 
Next Visit
2026-04-28 - Purpose: DONE
Program Success
The participants managed to improve on their facilities especially smearing their kitchens and stoves.
Program Critical Needs
Continue building stoves for the new members
Program Ownership
There’s good leadership structure
Other Program Observations
Most of the sanitation and hygiene facilities have been improved
Program Expected Of Village
Continue working together as a team
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Plan for the next visit.

Report Photos

18114 Bupeni. Suzan admiring a well roofed and smeared house in the village.
18117 Bupeni. Well smeared kitchen and shower area.