Health Education - Ituba Namalowe

Visit by marianamukose on 2021-09-22

Report ID
Created by
Created date
2021-09-23 08:58:02 UTC
Modified by
Modified date
2021-09-28 13:23:28 UTC
Trip Time
10:05-17:47 (7 h 42 m)
Village Time
11:47-15:23 (3 h 36 m)
Travel Time
4 h 6 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Irene and Maria went to Ituba Namalowe to teach about Pneumonia and diarrhea, the chairperson welcomed all members and thanked them for turning up every time they’re told to come, then Isiiko led us in an opening prayer after the chairperson invited Irene to speak to members. Irene thanked members for turning up for the health education lessons, and introduced Maria to the members as Kibo’s new health educator and she also encouraging them to pay attention during the lessons. Maria was invited to teach. Maria welcomed all the members for the lesson, she introduced the topic as Pneumonia and diarrhea asking members the causes, prevention, treatment. Hadijah shared how some women smoke herbs thinking that when they do that, their husbands will not get other wives, not knowing that their lungs are being affected their lungs. Maria encouraged the member to use the safe stoves that Kibo promoted in their village as they keep smoke out of their kitchens,save firewood and are safe for cooking, also ventilate their houses and provide warm covers to keep their children warm during the cold weather so as to avoid contracting pneumonia. On addition to pneumonia we discussed about diarrhea basically causes, and Hajirah shared the different causes where she mentioned lack of latrine and poor hygiene, and most women pinned their husbands for not digging pit latrines and even not taking care of their homes. Maria also shared some causes and prevention of diarrhea, she even encouraged them to take their children for immunization because most of the diseases are vaccinated. After the chairperson thanked all members for coming and encouraged them to come back, and a closing prayer was said by the VHT. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Next Visit
2021-09-27 - Purpose: To carry out a door to door evaluation of homes with pregnant women,breast feeding mothers and assess children for malnutrition and other health related issues.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Ituba, members are using the healthy stoves.
Program Expected Of Village
The mobilizers will mobilize the members for the next health lessons.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
To prepare the next lesson and call the village to mobilize the members for the next health lesson.

Report Photos

21627 Irene welcoming members and also introduced Maria to village.
21630 Maria teaching about Pneumonia and Diarrhea in Ituba