Life Skills Education and Counseling - Kivule - Kivule Primariy School - Namutumba

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2018-12-07

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2018-12-10 13:33:44 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2018-12-10 14:45:55 UTC
Trip Time
10:13-17:30 (7 h 17 m)
Village Time
12:10-15:25 (3 h 15 m)
Travel Time
4 h 2 m

Current State

Participation Rating
Village Critical Needs
They need the stoves program 
Village Action Steps
Staff Action Steps
Sanitation Hygiene Committee
Water Users Committee
Other Class Notes
Community Ownership
Ownership Story
Three Stone Fires
Access to Clean Water
Open Defecation
Water Access Explain
Prevent Ownership
Allow Ownership
Village Notes

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Kivule Primariy School 
Lesson Taught
The Immune System 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
- To know the different functions of the red and white blood cells. - To understand how our body fights against diseases and what happens to the immune system when attacked by HIV
Introduction Lorna went to this village to teach about the immune system. Overview Lorna reached the village and was welcomed by the chairman and they were later joined by other community members. They waited a few minutes before starting Lorna started to teach. After more community members had come, Lorna then decided to start. Lorna started by reviewing the previous topic that is; HIV transmission and they were able to remind themselves how one can contract the HIV virus. After the review, she reminded them that HIV is a big issue in Uganda and that the government is working hard to see that everyone knows their status by testing, also to reduce the stigma surrounding this disease which brings about fear of people testing their status. Lorna reminded them that is is therefore not something new but that we teach this to remind ourselves that this disease is real but we can fight it and reduce new cases of people contracting it. Lorna moved with some picture drawings of the immune system which she handed to the members .After handing them out, she asked them to interpreted what was in the drawing.some of the answers where close to what was in the drawing although not definite.They looked at the red blood cells and the white blood cells and their function, where they found that the red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen and out carbon dioxide while the white blood cells are responsible for fighting diseases. They where able to look at how different diseases like malaria ,typhoid,and how these diseases affect their immune system .These diseases attack the body and even though the person gets sick the immune system is able to fight off these diseases. However when HIV attacks the immune system it’s a different story.they looked at the various components of the white blood cells and their functions.they looked at the CD4 cells which is also known as the captain of the body which is responsible for directing the white blood cells to fight off diseases.the CD4 cell is the one most attacked by HIV which weakens the body where by the CD4 cell being the captain of the body can no longer direct the other blood cells to fight off diseases.they also looked at the big eater cell which is responsible for fighting off diseases and sending messages to the captain of the body about an invader then the captain assigns the other two cells that’s the B cell which works as the factory making copies of the different anti gens such that in case of any intrusion they are able to recognize the anti gens and fight it.the last one which is the CD8 is also responsible for attacking and killing the invader .Lorna concluded the lesson by asking for volunteers to participate in the elephant game .the white elephant game involves a baby elephant which is the body, five other big elephants which act as the the immune system and other five characters which act as the other diseases. In this game we see how the immune system fights off other diseases that attack the body and how the body defends its self as compared to when it’s attacked by HIV. Conclusion The LC3 chairman who was also present commended KIBO’s work in the village and asked Lorna to carry on with the initiative . He also urged the community members to always respond positively when called upon as it will benefit them in the future. 
Next Visit
2019-01-10 - Purpose: Teach the next topic women and HIV/AIDS.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit

Report Photos

5174 During the Elephant game