Healthy and Safe Kitchens - Budumba - Unassigned

Visit by Harriet Kefeza on 2019-04-12

Report ID
Created by
Harriet Kefeza
Created date
2019-04-12 12:57:00 UTC
Modified by
Harriet Kefeza
Modified date
2019-04-12 13:13:50 UTC
Trip Time
10:04-17:20 (7 h 16 m)
Village Time
12:30-15:33 (3 h 3 m)
Travel Time
4 h 13 m

Kitchens all groups

Lesson Taught
assignment check 
How Many Men Attended
How Many Women Attended
Staff Attendees
Harriet Kefeza 
Government Attendess
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Healthy and Safe Kitchens 
Harriet made a surprise visit to Budumba village and this was intended to assess the level of sustainability of the Healthy and Safe kitchen program as well as find out whether participants use stoves on daily basis. She found the chairperson for Budumba Healthy and Safe kitchen (Mr.Otim) at his home.she asked him to walk with to the homes of the participants while inspecting their stoves and other facilities. They walked through around twenty homes and found when all the members were using their stoves on daily basis which was evidenced by the absence of three stone fire in the kitchen and in some homes food was found cooking by itself. The members told Harriet that the stoves have helped them cook and serve food on time since they are able to cook food and sauce at the same time.This has increased on their marriage relationship since their husbands no longer complain of delayed meals. One of the member Joan told Harriet that the stoves has helped them spend less hours in the kitchen cooking as well as looking for firewood and this has helped them have time to do other activities like knitting mats which their later sale and the money is saved in their village saving scheme. They were very grateful for kibo that empowered them with the skill of building stoves. Harriet encouraged to maintain the spirit of team work and creativity because it will help them to develop. 
Next Visit
2019-04-26 - Purpose: Introduce the health and spitball empowerment stall/ program to the local leaders.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit