Healthy and Safe Kitchens - Buluvu - Namutumba

Visit by Suzan Winnie on 2019-05-03

Report ID
Created by
Suzan Winnie
Created date
2019-05-03 13:56:05 UTC
Modified by
Suzan Winnie
Modified date
2019-05-07 09:23:09 UTC
Trip Time
22:29-17:09 (-6 h 40 m)
Village Time
12:39-15:10 (2 h 31 m)
Travel Time
-8 h 9 m

Kitchens all groups

Lesson Taught
How Many Men Attended
How Many Women Attended
Staff Attendees
Suzan Keddi 
Government Attendess
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Healthy and Safe Kitchens 
Suzan went to the upper side of Buluvu village to follow up on the smearing activity and also to monitor the progress of the program facilities especially the stove usage. When she arrived there, she went to the committee chairperson’s home which was near the meeting place and found her gathered with a few community members. After welcoming her to the village, Suzan had a few discussions with them informing them about the activity to be carried out that day. Together they stood up and began moving around the village visiting home to home while monitoring the program facilities. Most members had improved on their sanitation and smeared their facilities such as the main house, kitchen, stoves and shower areas. Other members promised to improve on their homes once they got some free time because currently they were attending to their gardens since it was now a rainy season. Suzan thanked some members for improving on their sanitation and hygiene and encouraged them to always maintain all their facilities especially by smearing their stoves and houses whenever they got cracks and worn out. She also requested them to try and work as a team whereby the young energetic members would assist fellow members especially the elderly people how to smear their houses since some of them were very weak and sickly. The community was so grateful for the healthy and safe kitchen program, generally thanking Kibo group for the love and kind heart they showed them for it would greatly improve on their healthy wellbeing once they continued working together as a community. The meeting then came to an end with the members wishing Suzan a safe journey back home. 
Next Visit
2019-05-17 - Purpose: Monitoring the progress of the healthy and safe kitchen program
Program Success
Some members have improved on their homes by smearing and maintaining their facilities
Program Critical Needs
To ensure active participation for an effective development
Program Ownership
The community members are active in some of the program activities
Other Program Observations
Most homes have also improved on their sanitation and hygiene
Program Expected Of Village
Continue smearing and maintaining their home facilities
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Plan and prepare for the next village visit