Community Empowerment - Naibowa - Kamuli

Visit by Ida Bazonoona on 2018-01-31

Report ID
Created by
Ida Bazonoona
Created date
2018-02-01 11:33:04 UTC
Modified by
Ben West
Modified date
2018-02-09 20:41:45 UTC
Trip Time
10:22-18:37 (8 h 15 m)
Village Time
12:16-16:30 (4 h 14 m)
Travel Time
4 h 1 m

Current State

Participation Rating
Village Critical Needs
They need stoves and water. 
Village Action Steps
Continue meeting weekly. 
Staff Action Steps
Prepare lessons for the day. 
Sanitation Hygiene Committee
Water Users Committee
Other Class Notes
Community Ownership
Ownership Story
Three Stone Fires
Access to Clean Water
Open Defecation
Water Access Explain
Their source of water is salty. 
Prevent Ownership
Allow Ownership
Village Notes

Community Empowerment Lessons

Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Ida Bazonona 
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Lesson Taught
Health lesson 5: Teeth Cleaning 
Ida started with a question if anyone knew the reason as to why teeth cleaning is necessary. Some people said to prevent tooth decay and others said it's not necessary. One old man said that smoking is the only medication for tooth infection. Ida told them the two basic reasons why cleaning teeth is necessary. 1. To prevent diseases in the rest of the body like heart disease, dementia and complications of diabetes. 2. To prevent tooth loss The mouth is an area that's completely different from the entire body,and it takes quite a beating from the food we eat and the talking we do all day long. And this unique environment requires special care. Teeth cleaning remove the buildup of plaque and tartar. This buildup is for the most part natural-kind of like how a boat picks up barnacles just by being in the lake. But too much buildup leads to gum diseases. Gum disease is when your body's immune system is responding to this tartar buildup with inflamed and bleeding gums. The immune system response is successful at killing off invaders like infection and flu viruses,but at a cost; like a war.there are innocent bystanders that get slaughtered, As gum disease progresses,so does the destruction to your bone and tissues in your mouth. That's why preventing gum disease reduces risk of stroke,heart disease and dementia. At a certain stage, this damage is irreversible, so prevention is the best way to maintain overall health and keep beautiful teeth for a life time and teeth cleanings are critical piece of this prevention. 
Next Visit
- Purpose:
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit