Life Skills Education and Counseling - Nawampiti - Kivule Primariy School - Namutumba

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2020-02-03

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2020-02-04 09:32:10 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2020-02-04 10:41:14 UTC
Trip Time
10:18-17:15 (6 h 57 m)
Village Time
12:10-15:00 (2 h 50 m)
Travel Time
4 h 7 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Kivule Primariy School 
Lesson Taught
Dangers of Abortion,Dangers of early pregnancy,Causes of early pregnancy 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
To identify the underlying causes and dangers of early pregnancy and what we can do to ensure that this problem is addressed beforehand or not repeated on the community’s watch.
Introduction Lorna went to continue with the previous topic Decision making teaching on Early pregnancy; it’s causes and dangers/Consequences, since this lesson got disrupted previously due to a burial in the nearby village. Early pregnancy is a sensitive topic and we teach his in children he community because the parents spend more time with their children at home and not the Life Skills teachers. This lesson is to empower them to speak to their children concerning issues that affect them like Early pregnancy and how they can prevent these tendencies from happening. Overview Previously when Lorna was mobilizing the community together with the Chairman,what Lorna did not tell the chairman was that she was looking out for young pregnant mothers and married mothers. Today’s lesson was therefore a followup on the previous lesson Causes of early pregnancy. Unfortunately the rains poured heavily which disrupted attendance and took up much of our time making us cover lesser than expected. However this did not stop us from having the meeting as we took shelter in the house at the meeting place. The meeting started with a short prayer and as we were waiting for more people to turn up , Lorna led the committee members into projecting their goals for this year 2020. Lorna encouraged them to speak freely and urged everyone to be each others accountability partner. Each community member laid out their goal for this year like; Babirye said she wants to expand her house, buy a motorcycle whether old or new, another member said she looks a starting a shop ,another also said she wants to expand her house like Babirye. Looking at these examples Lorna encouraged them to start with whatever they have as they save to fulfill their other plans. She encouraged them to encourage and uplift each other and not be jealous of each others growth and development. She also told them her goals 2020. On the topic of the day, Lorna mentioned that teaching this topic on Early pregnancy does not mean that there many cases arising due to early pregnancy but to encourage and enlighten ourselves that this can happen but how do we prepare before hand; prevention is better than cure. Together they went through the causes of early pregnancy. Babirye asked to also participate as she was not there previously where she said that, some parents are poor and cannot provide for their children basic needs like pads, food , clothes but she urged that it is also the parents responsibility to see to it that they provide the needs of their children. She encouraged the parents to always talk to their children concerning everything even money issues so they can understand the situation and don’t go around putting themselves in trouble. The chairman mentioned raising a child takes 2 parents and therefore encouraged both mother and father to participate in raising their children because some issues where one parent may not address well, the other can supplement, Lorna added unrestricted movement of their children and encouraged them to restrict them and also get to know who their friends are male or female. Parents were urged to talk to their children concerning sex and not shy about it. Lorna thanked them for these additions and then went straight to Dangers/consequences of Early pregnancy to the baby , girl child, boy child and community at large. 1. The baby; Lorna asked the community what they think can happen to the baby. The baby being born to a teenage mother also faces different challenges as was discussed. They mentioned when girls tie their stomachs this affects the baby like their respiration, intestines among others. Lorna asked whether this was true that they tie their stomachs. The community gave 3 examples of their own children in the community who were pregnant but no one knew until they gave birth because they were tying their stomachs. This baby may be born premature and this is because the mother was not attending maternal health checks due to stigma and fear of the health center. Another consequence mentioned was poor nutrition because this child mother will not know what foods to feed the baby ,at what stage. Others mentioned were low birth weight because the mother was not feeding well, chances of being given away by mother because she cannot take care of the child ,early marriages among others 2. The girl /teenage mother; she’s likely to drop out of School, get Sexually transmitted diseases, due at birth, stigmatized against by her friends, parents and the community at large, Low self esteem , living in regret ,shame,neglect from parents and person responsible,among others. 3. The boy child; He does not escape this either as he may go to prison, go into hiding, change of school, forced fatherhood ,face big responsibilities that he was not prepared for among others , school dropout. 4. The community at large; the problem of early pregnancy does not only affect the above three parties but the community as large. A community that is faced with high numbers of young mothers and fathers does not tend to develop due to lack of skills, also the economic stability is poor because they tend to get low paying jobs.These children need to understand that there is more to life than just being a mother and having babies. Conclusion Community members were encouraged to always take their children to weddings, graduation parties to show the, they can also be like that and that there is more to life.Lorna left them with the assignment on Abortion and Causes and dangers of early marriages. They will look at these in the next lesson. 
Next Visit
2020-02-12 - Purpose: Continue with the lesson on Abortion;Dangers and Start also teach on Early Marriages and its Causes and Dangers.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Decision making
Program Ownership
Community members attendance despite the heavy rains
Other Program Observations
This boreholes fence has been down over a month now.Lorna mentioned that Kibo will shut down the borehole if they were not keeping it well. The committee of the borehole in today’s meeting agreed on a way forward to have a meeting as the committee , then mobilize the community to build the fence over the weekend.
Program Expected Of Village
Mobilize themselves for the next meeting
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare the lesson to teach that day and call the chairman to remind him of the meeting day.