Life Skills Education and Counseling - Nawampiti - Kivule Primariy School - Namutumba

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2020-07-01

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2020-07-02 10:37:26 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2020-07-02 12:18:47 UTC
Trip Time
09:50-16:00 (6 h 10 m)
Village Time
11:40-14:20 (2 h 40 m)
Travel Time
3 h 30 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Kivule Primariy School 
Lesson Taught
Early Pregnancy,Dangers of early pregnancy,Causes of early pregnancy,Dangers of early marriage 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson the participants will know those things that Lead young girls boys, teenagers to get pregnant , married when not yet ready. By the end of the lesson all participants know that Children gettting pregnant and married at an early age is bad and they have the means to stop it.
Introduction Lorna went to Nawampiti to meet with the community members for the first time since the pandemic outbreak. Lorna met two groups A and B. She taught on the cause and dangers of early marriages. Overview On arrival, Lorna was welcomed by the chairman Richard and VHT Jacob who led her to the first group she would be meeting. Previously they decided to group the community into 4 groups and she was to teach 2 groups per visit for a period of about 1 and a half hours each. At both meeting places , there was a handwashing stand at the entrance and each member who came was required to wash their hands. When the community members had gathered an opening prayer was said and the chairman welcomed the community members together with Lorna and apologized that he was not going to be present for the meeting but left Jacob a VHT behind to step in his shoes. Before the meeting Lorna carried some printed out papers for the community members which had Ministry of a health guidelines concerning covid. Lorna asked Jacob to go ahead and explain it to the community for 10minutes before she could teach her lesson. Jacob did a very good job reading in English as the document was in English and translated in Lusoga and where he failed Lorna interjected. After his presentation Lorna without wasting any more time introduced the topic of the day. Lorna started by reviewing the previous lesson which was causes and dangers of early pregnancy. Before this however she mentioned that covid has shone a light on so many things happening around us which have been happening but not much emphasis was being out. She said even before covid there were other sicknesses and social problems not forgetting Children getting pregnancy and married off since there is no more school. Lorna mentioned that today they were going to look at the latter. She therefore asked each member to mention some of the causes of early pregnancy and the dangers . Some of the answers mentioned were Young girls admiring things that they don’t have or can not afford, another was peer pressure, another was parents who neglected their duties concerning their children, another was parents who don’t have good relationships skills amongst themselves where one says a different thing and the other also says a different thing. After this they also looked at some of the dangers of a teenage pregnancy where they mentioned ; school dropout ,Shame, negligence from parents and person responsible ,sexually transmitted diseases , lack of antenatal services, among others. After the review they then looked at the causes and dangers of early marriages. Lorna mentioned that most times when a girl gets pregnant her chance for a good future is gone. Very few people think of taking these girls back to School because they feel it would be a waste of money hence leading to marriage. Lorna asked the community members what are those other causes of young girls and boys getting married while young. They mentioned among others ; early pregnancy ,peer pressure on both the teenagers and the parents, parents wanting to keep their honor and dignity, greed , poverty, ignorance were among the things mentioned. When it came to Dangers among the dangers mentioned were ; School drop out, Domestic violence, Sexually transmitted diseases, have more children over their life time, limited bargaining power in the homes, sexual abuse among others. Conclusion Lorna was able to teach both groups and she thanked the community members for attending and left them with home work on the causes and dangers of Abortion. 
Next Visit
2020-07-08 - Purpose: Teach groups C and D on Early marriages
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Decision making topic
Program Ownership
Cooperative committee as they mobilized well
Other Program Observations
They need to be reminded on the importance of dish racks and the rubbish pits.
Program Expected Of Village
Mobilize themselves
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare lesson and call chairman to mobiles groups C and D

Report Photos

11551 This was group B
11554 Sara mentioned one of the causes of early marriages among them as young girls.
11557 The old lady in the picture was also participating concerning the issues of early marriages where she mentioned one of the causes being peer pressure