Water Sanitation and Hygiene - Igerera A - Iganga

Visit by Martin Kibuuka on 2020-07-08

Report ID
Created by
Martin Kibuuka
Created date
2020-07-09 08:39:18 UTC
Modified by
Martin Kibuuka
Modified date
2020-07-09 10:04:09 UTC
Trip Time
10:00-18:00 (8 h 0 m)
Village Time
12:10-03:00 (-10 h 50 m)
Travel Time
17 h 10 m

Household visits

Which Survey
Number Of Households
Visits Purpose
To check on sanitation and hygiene improvement. 
Staff Attendees
Martin Kibuuka 
Government Attendees
Martin went to Igerera A, he walked around with the Chairman LC1 and the sanitation committee members. Their intention was to check on the sanitation and hygiene improvement and to encourage the community members about their home facilities. They was so encouraged to see that, the homes which was so difficult to work on their sanitation facilities, they have worked on them like Kailu Christopher constructed a new strong dish rack and a shower area with bricks and cement at the top, Kawanguzi Godfre constructed a new shower area, he promised to complete it with cement at the top, digging a new pit latrine, it’s now 8ft deep and he roofed the kitchen because before the lockdown it was unroofed, Gunayaka Yowasi constructed a new kitchen it’s roofed, a dish rack and the shower area, Kawanguzi Salimu Constructed a new kitchen it’s roofed and he is digging a new pit latrine it’s now 6ft deep, Eliyasa Kyawa’s latrine 20ft deep is under construction and Kailu Christopher promised the kibo staff that he is going to work on his new kitchen in two weeks. So the group was encouraging those who have worked on facilities like kitchens and shower areas to maintain and smear to make them strong and clean. And for those who are still working on their new facilities, the group was encouraging them about the standards. In general the the group was encouraging the community members about washing their hands, to prevent diseases like malaria, diarrhea, typhoid plus Covid 19 which is putting the hall world on much pressure. According to their hard working, Kibo is willing to work with that community as well as the village. 
Next Visit
2020-07-13 - Purpose: Follow up on sanitation and hygiene improvement.
Program Success
They are busy working on their new sanitation facilities like kitchens, rubbish pits, shower facilities and others digging the new pit latrines.
Program Critical Needs
They need more encouragement about standards and maintenance.
Program Ownership
They are working on their new homes facilities, on their own without force.
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
They have to work on their new latrines and shower areas.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
To call the village leaders and hear about those who are working on their new latrines and shower areas.

Report Photos

11689 This’s how Christopher Kawanguzi worked on his dish rack, and the family is so happy for it.
11692 Kawanguzi Salimu, is digging a new pit latrine.
11695 Gunayaka Yowasi in a read shirt, worked on his new kitchen, dish rack and a shower area, which is so good.