Health Education - Ituba Namalowe

Visit by Irene Nakibirango on 2021-02-19

Report ID
Created by
Irene Nakibirango
Created date
2021-02-23 09:59:00 UTC
Modified by
Irene Nakibirango
Modified date
2021-02-23 12:41:07 UTC
Trip Time
10:54-17:17 (6 h 23 m)
Village Time
12:54-14:54 (2 h 0 m)
Travel Time
4 h 23 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Irene went to ituba namalowe to introduce the health education program to the local leaders. The meeting started with a word of prayer from one of the members present, then a word from the chairperson who thanked kibo for all they have done for his village. He further thanked the different programs that have participated in developing his village, first the WASH program that did a great job in improving the sanitation and hygiene of the community,and STOVES program that has changed the lives of their wives,kitchens and saving fire wood. The chairman also thanked kibo for allowing the health education program for choosing Ituba among all the other villages and helping in changing their standard of living. He then encouraged the community to work together with the health program to see that health issues improve in their village. The chairman then invited the members to introduce themselves and their positions in the village and in the kibo program,After the introduction the health education representative was invited to take up the program. Irene started by thanking the community members for their participation in the different programs and embracing the new program. Irene introduced herself,program, and the content of in the program,Then further continued to explain what will be done in each lesson, home visits to check out on the hygiene, pregnant women,breast feeding mothers and their children, nutrition of the home which encourages putting up small vegetable gardens among others. Irene further informed the community that in this program kibo only does the teaching it doesn’t supply drugs to the community members, so Irene will only be encouraging and referring those with health issues to the hospitals to receive proper medication and diagnosis. The members further discussed on the meeting day, time and venue for their meeting Irene encouraging the men to fully take part in these lessons and continued mobilization for all the community members. The members encouraged Irene to make a door to door mobilization with some of the leaders so as to create more awareness to the other village members and so Irene scheduled another visit for the door to door mobilization with the leaders. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Next Visit
2021-03-05 - Purpose: A door to door mobilization of the community members to prepare them for the health lessons.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Health education lessons
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
The stoves are well smeared and more members have embraced the stoves
Program Expected Of Village
Mobilize members to come for the meeting.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare the lesson and call the village for the next visit.

Report Photos

16776 Ituba Namalowe: Irene meeting the local leaders talking to them about introducing the health education program to their village.