Healthy and Safe Kitchens - Ituba Namalowe

Visit by Suzan Winnie on 2021-02-26

Report ID
Created by
Suzan Winnie
Created date
2021-03-01 06:56:52 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-01-12 07:36:05 UTC
Trip Time
10:02-17:22 (7 h 20 m)
Village Time
12:06-15:15 (3 h 9 m)
Travel Time
4 h 11 m

Kitchens visit households

Ituba Namalowe 
Healthy and Safe Kitchens 
Carrying out the first evaluation process is very important because it helps the healthy and safe kitchens staff members to find out if all the members are cooking on their stoves effectively and if there are any challenges they are facing. Together they can find out possible solutions for them. Suzan went to the village to continue with the first evaluation process which had not yet been completed in the previous meeting. With the help of some two committee group members, they walked house to house while checking on different facilities of those members who participated in the program activities. It was so encouraging to find that all the women were happily cooking on their new improved stoves and when asked how it has benefited them, they kept on saying that the stoves have greatly changed their lives. They said they no longer suffered from smoke inhalation which caused several diseases, no more fire accidents, the food was cooked on time yet it used less firewood. The women were so grateful for the healthy and safe kitchens program and reported that their husbands easily cooked food even when they were not around. According to observations, most facilities were improved although only a few needed to be repaired and reconstructed such as the dish racks, digging up new rubbish pits and construction of the high risen firewood storages. Suzan thanked all the members for the good work done and wished them a happy stay. 
Number of Households
Which Survey
Kitchen First Evaluation 
Visits Purpose
To find out how many stoves were built after the program implementation and if there were any challenges faced while cooking on them as well as finding what and how the members have benefited from them. 
Next Visit
2026-04-04 - Purpose: DONE
Program Success
Yes, the women are happily cooking on their new stoves and have greatly improved on their sanitation and hygiene facilities
Program Critical Needs
Other programs should be introduced in the village
Program Ownership
There’s unity and teamwork among the members and their leaders
Other Program Observations
Most of the sanitation and hygiene facilities are well maintained
Program Expected Of Village
Continue working together as team especially when building stoves for the new members and at the neighboring villages.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Plan for the next visit

Report Photos

17052 Ituba Namalowe: A young lady found cooking on her fuel efficient stove which was well maintained.
17055 A young boy happily cooking on her mother’s fuel stove in the kitchen.