Community Empowerment - Nawandyo B

Visit by Daina Akurut on 2022-02-02

Report ID
Created by
Daina Akurut
Created date
2021-10-13 10:48:51 UTC
Modified by
Daina Akurut
Modified date
2021-10-17 06:17:23 UTC
Trip Time
10:15-17:04 (6 h 49 m)
Village Time
12:04-15:00 (2 h 56 m)
Travel Time
3 h 53 m

Community Empowerment Lessons

Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Akurut Diana 
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Lesson Taught
Meeting the community 
Diana went to Nawandyo B, to meet with the committee to discuss on how the lessons will go. Diana got some members while others had not arrived. Diana gave them some minutes to arrive, before she talked to them. Khamadi the secretary arrived and he opened with a word of prayer. He thanked the committee members for attending. He told them that Diana wanted the committee, but since some of the community members are around, it is still ok. Diana was grateful to meet a jovial committee. The committee was too happy and Diana thanked them for the good welcome that was accorded to her. Diana asked them how to increase the number of attendance in Nawandyo B, Khamadi said that if the number is to increase, they should buy for them the public address system, that will help them to remind the community. All members agreed with Khamadi. Diana told them that it is a good idea, but the budget has already been passed. Sofia said that the meeting place should be maintained because most members are within. Diana told them Kibo wants to meet a big number of the community, to benefit everyone. Sofia said that she will try to mobilize the community to attend the lessons on time. She said that they also need incentives. Diana said those incentives will be given to people who are attend the lessons. She also added on that the incentives are not to bribe them to come but they are a token of appreciation to those who diligently attend the lessons. Diana told them that they should endeavor to attend the lessons in person and encourage their neighbors to attend too. The committee said that it is not something easy, but they will try their best. Khamadi thanked Diana and Kibo for loving them. He said that, they will also try their level best to mobilize the rest of the community. Diana also told them that she will work hand in hand with them. Khamadi closed with a word of prayer. 
Next Visit
2022-02-09 - Purpose: To continue with the lesson of early marriages
Program Success
Yes. The community loves the community empowerment lessons
Program Critical Needs
The community still needs the community empowerment lessons
Program Ownership
The community practices the community empowerment lessons
Other Program Observations
The hand washing facilities are doing well
Program Expected Of Village
The community needs to mobilize people to attend the community empowerment lessons
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
The staff needs to prepare lessons before going to the field

Report Photos

25690 Khamadi of Nawandyo B talking to the community. He told them to attend the lessons because they have greatly helped them.
25693 Diana in Nawandyo B, meeting with the committee
25696 Diana in Nawandyo B, talking to the committee / community. She was listening to their suggestions on how the lessons will go.