Community Empowerment - Bulyowa A

Visit by Daina Akurut on 2022-03-04

Report ID
Created by
Daina Akurut
Created date
2022-03-08 10:15:02 UTC
Modified by
Daina Akurut
Modified date
2022-03-09 05:56:31 UTC
Trip Time
10:10-17:38 (7 h 28 m)
Village Time
12:34-15:30 (2 h 56 m)
Travel Time
4 h 32 m

Community Empowerment Lessons

Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Akurut Diana 
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Lesson Taught
Poultry Day 3 
Diana went to Bulyowa community to teach about raising the chickens. Diana got when the community members had not yet gathered. The ones that came didn’t seem happy, Diana asked them what could be the problem. Wako responded that one of their friends who used to hang out with them had just passed on, and they were preparing to go for the burial. Diana asked them, why they didn’t tell her when she called them that they had lost someone before she left office, Wilbur responded that some of them were not going for the burial and that they wanted to attend the community empowerment lessons, that’s why they kept it to themselves. Diana thanked them for their devotion and told them that next time they should speak the truth. They laughed, as, Diana requested the chairman Waiswa to open with a word of prayer so that the lessons can begin officially. Diana started by asking them what they remember from the previous lesson. Margret said that in last lesson she learnt how to feed the chickens according to the ratios of food. She added on that there should be a certain amount of food given to the chicks. Wilbur added on that he also learnt the chicks should be fed at night for a certain period of time like a round three weeks then stop feeding at night and remove the light. Beatrice also added on that the chicks should be fed with foods that give proteins, carbohydrates and calcium. Diana was really grateful with all the answers that were given. She encouraged the community to put everything that is taught to them into practice. She told them that poultry rearing involves a lot of devotion. Therefore everyone who wants to venture into it, should be ready to surrender some sleep in order to take care of the chicks. Diana introduced the lesson of the day which was raising the chicken. Diana told them that most people in the village do not mind on how the chicks grow. They leave the hen with the chicks and don’t follow up where they have been eating from, and it is from here that they discover that some chicks are missing. Diana told them to monitor and always count the chicks, so that they can follow up the progress of poultry rearing. This also helps to tell if they are going to benefit or make losses. James said that what madam Diana, is teaching is very important, he went on to say that, some of them didn’t bother to check on their hens and chicks, thinking that they will always have the same number or the the hen will take care of the chicks, forgetting that it can also get busy and forget taking care of its chicks. The community laughed aloud saying how can a hen get busy, does it have a job?shouted Sarah while laughing. The discussion went on as it became really interesting.Diana told the community members that the lesson will be continued next week, because it was getting late and they needed to go and prepare for their families. Wilbur thanked Diana for being patient with them, and encouraged the community members to keep time in the next visit. 
Next Visit
2022-03-11 - Purpose: To continue with the lesson of poultry(Raising).
Program Success
Yes. The community practices the community empowerment lessons
Program Critical Needs
The community needs the community empowerment lessons
Program Ownership
The community practices the community empowerment lessons
Other Program Observations
The hand washing facilities are doing well
Program Expected Of Village
The village needs to mobilize the community to attend the community empowerment lessons
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
The staff needs to prepare lessons before going to the field

Report Photos

26860 Waiswa of Bulyowa addressing the community members, during poultry lessons.
26863 Diana in Bulyowa A teaching about the raising of chicks
26866 Diana in Bulyowa A, explaining the importance of monitoring the chickens when they have gone to eat, this is mainly to the people who do free range poultry rearing.