Life Skills Education and Counseling - Ikumbya - Ikumbya Primary School

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2022-05-20

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2022-05-24 09:17:09 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-05-24 10:35:48 UTC
Trip Time
10:30-18:20 (7 h 50 m)
Village Time
12:12-15:40 (3 h 28 m)
Travel Time
4 h 22 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Ikumbya Primary School 
Lesson Taught
How HIV/ STDs are Transmitted 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Elliot Jones. 
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the community members know the various signs, symptoms of the different STDs. The community knows why it is easy for a person with STDs to contract HIV quickly.
When we reached the community we found a few members had gathered since other people were in those gardens since it had rained previously. We then together with those around decided to move around the village where we were able to see latrines, bathroom areas, kitchens with stoves, the borehole among others. In one of the homes as we were passing by, Ibrahim the owner of the home asked us to come check his latrine and we went over and it looked well maintained however when he opened the door, a snake came out from behind the door it was a small one and luckily he got to kill it. After moving around the village we went back to the meeting place. At the meeting place, an opening prayer was made and after that the chairman of the village welcomed the visitors and mentioned that his village is ranked among the most hygienically clean. He even mentioned when a government program came concerning hygiene and sanitation , they saw that Ikumbya did not need this program as they were on a better standard. He thanked Kibo. After the chairman , Lorna was invited to teach however before she started teaching, he welcomed Elliot to greet the community and introduce himself. After this we did a review of the previous lesson which was on HIV and behavioral change and thereafter because time was far spent we introduced the topic of this day which was on the relationship between HIV and STDs. Lorna asked what are STDs and they mentioned that they are diseases got through sexual intercourse. Lorna mentioned that can we give some examples of some of the STDs and they mentioned ; Candida, gonorrhea, Syphillis , HIV/AIDS which was great that they had ideas on what STDs are. Lorna however disclaimed the fact that Candida is a sexual disease but more of a hygiene disease affecting mostly the women. She urged the women to avoid using their bathrooms as urinals because of their sexual reproductive organ the way it is built it’s easy to contract candida. We then looked at symptoms of syphillis where were saw; pain during passing out urine, sores on the private parts, swelling of testicles, itching of the private parts, white substance coming out of the private parts among others. Lorna asked a question whether syphillis has a cure and some said yes while others no. Lorna asked those who said no why they think it doesn’t cure?. Justine mentioned because usually it’s only one partner treating the infection and so how do we expect to be cured. Lorna asked they clap for her and added that that why it keeps recurring. She mentioned both parties need to be treated at the same time while avoiding sex or using condoms. Lorna mentioned syphillis has 3 stages and if not treated then it may lead to death , destroy internal organs and in pregnant mothers can even lead to death of the baby, blindness, paralysis among others. Isabirye put his hand up and said he has had everything and appreciates Lorna for this lesson but he was not convinced that Syphillis is an STD as he asked how did it come about. Despite various response from the community that it is an std he rejected until the chairman mentioned that Syphillis was an std got from dogs and that was how it got transferred to humans through sex with the dogs. However Lorna mentioned this has never been true but Isabirye mentioned that that was exactly what he was looking for. We also looked at the symptoms of gonorrhea where we saw yeast infection, sores in the private part, rashes in the hands, under feet among others. Lorna mentioned that it is easy for a person with an STD to get infected with HIV more than a person without an STD. Their is more white blood cells present at the wounds which when one has sex with an infected person the virus can go directly to the person. Lorna mentioned sometimes it may not be that the person go infected by having sex with multiple partners but sometimes they are born with it. Sometimes they did not treat it intensively and got reinfected but advised that the only way to fight STDs is both parties to get treated, Abstain and be faithful. We did not finish because of time but we will pick it up here in the next lesson. Elliot encouraged the community to take care of each other especially the marrieds, to be faithful and trust eachother. In case of sickness to be there for each other. 
Next Visit
2022-05-27 - Purpose: Continue with lesson on STDs and then introduce new topic
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
HIV/Aids Awareness
Program Ownership
Active community participation
Other Program Observations
Generally in the homes we saw , they were all well swept, latrines all had hand washing stands with Ash in them, those who had stoves were using them ,the borehole had a strong fence.
Program Expected Of Village
Come in large numbers having researched on their homework
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call prior, prepare the notes.

Report Photos

29967 Elliot looking at a stove and this beautiful kitchen
29970 One of the stoves being used
29973 Elliot at the borehole drilled by Kibo
29976 One of the bath rooms in Ikumbya
29979 We toured the primary school and in this picture the head teacher was telling us about this Latrine which is at the brick of collapsing and together with the community they are are trying to reconstruct a new latrine but were requesting for help from Kibo. Also we toured the class room and also the construction has been in a standstill because they are short of funds
29982 With Elliot at the beginning of the meeting
29988 The chairman addressing the meeting
29991 During the meeting