Life Skills Education and Counseling - Bubinga - Kivule Primariy School

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2020-07-24

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2020-07-27 06:14:22 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2020-07-28 08:41:07 UTC
Trip Time
09:30-17:00 (7 h 30 m)
Village Time
11:15-14:00 (2 h 45 m)
Travel Time
4 h 45 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Kivule Primariy School 
Lesson Taught
Alcohol and Drug Use,Causes of early pregnancy 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the community members know that Alcohol has long term effects that can be harmful to ones health and therefore avoiding it or stopping it or drinking in small portions can save them not only their health but , avoid making bad decisions ,choices among others. By the end of the lesson, the community members will know the causes of early pregnancies and how to stop and avoid putting their children or themselves in compromising positions as young people. Also for the children to be aware of what can put them at risk.
Introduction Lorna was in Bubinga village where she was able to meet two groups. Lorna was able to teach about Alcohol and drug Abuse as well as causes of Early pregnancies. Overview In the first group Lorna taught on the dangers of Alcohol and drug abuse while at the second group she taught on Causes and dangers of early pregnancy. In the first group she was informed of an old man who always gets drunk and beat his wife and sometimes locked her out of the house. His wife complained that he also drinks from far away places and she was scared that he will get killed while on his way home.we were able to look at the reasons why people drink like boredom, peer pressure, health related issues, to pass time, forget problems among others. Lorna talked mainly about problems where she mentioned problems can be solved in other ways than drinking. She mentioned at the drinking place everyone has their own challenges and some times the advices given there will only worsen the situation. Lorna suggested dialogue and involving other leaders in the community Incase the problem has gone beyond the couples level or family level. Gadafi mentioned that she drinks to forget her problems but Lorna asked her if her problems have gone away now or if she has forgotten them and she said no.Lorna mentioned it can be temporary but those problems will surely come back when sobered up. Lorna also used this opportunity to encourage the community members to advice this couple. They advised the old man to Listen to his wife. He has been married to 3 wives but they all left him except the one he currently stays with. They asked him to bring his alcohol at home and that the wife is not stopping him from drinking but she worries about him. Beating his wife and locking the house on her is not the solution because doing this can lead to fights that can lead to saying hurtful things, killing each other and divorcing. Lorna encouraged him to seek advice from his friends, listen to his wife and her feelings because she wants the best for him ,find another hobby or something to keep him busy, drink from home, cut off those other friends as some of the measures to stop drinking Alcohol. It’s not easy but one can start from somewhere. For health purposes it’s true but only prescribed by the doctor not so as for one to make it a habit that the doctor told me. Other dangers of alcohol mentioned were permanent brain damage, lung and liver cancer, leads to poor decisions, theft, among others. Lorna urged the community if they can avoid drinking alcohol and smocking good and if they can’t to drink responsibly by not becoming a nuisance, both at the community and at home. Lorna also urged them to stop sending their children to buy the alcohol as they may get tempted to drink on their way home . Small habits can increase with time if not watched. In group C , they looked at the causes of early pregnancy. Lorna asked the community members that if their child, daughter, got pregnant, what would they do?, some said leave them to give birth and go back to school while others kept quiet. Those who kept quiet from their faces you could see that they got married young. Lorna encouraged the community that indeed these children deserve a second chance so let us Ensure that we take them track to school. On the causes they mentioned, ignorance both on the girl and parent, Abusive parents, Alcoholic parents, Adolescence and puberty stage, bad peer groups, Accepting free gifts, parents who have no time for their children among others.. Lorna encouraged the parents to always complement their children, tell them to be patient when they don’t have money, find time to talk about sex with their children, fathers be involved in their daughters life. The man they will marry they will always compare to their dad and therefore they need to be in the lives of their daughters for not only basic needs but emotional support. Parents need to stop using their children as bait to get what they want. Conclusion Lorna will be teaching dangers of early pregnancy to this group . The community also requested Lorna to write a letter to the chairman calling out all the youth for a meeting. The parents complain that the youth are doing drugs, drinking alcohol and becoming a nuisance in the community. They are scared for their younger children, teenagers .Lorna will work on this and also get the probation officer, or anyone at the sub county involved because this is a bigger issue. 
Next Visit
2020-07-31 - Purpose: Teach Causes of early pregnancy and dangers
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Alcohol and drug abuse, Early pregnancy and marriages
Program Ownership
Willingness to learn
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Mobilize themselves into the next groups ....C and D
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call the chairman to remind him of the next visit date and also prepare lesson to teach ....

Report Photos

12208 Teaching on Causes of early pregnancy. Group C
12220 The man in the blue shirt is the One in this report whom the wife complains about him drinking and beating her. His wife asked for help from the group.
12223 The lady in this picture is carrying her grand daughter. She also asked the group to give her advice concerning her daughter. Her daughter is married to a man who keeps beating her and refuses her to ask for help from any of her relatives. When she reports him of beating her he says she has rumours’ lugambo’ in Lusoga. On top of that he doesn’t give any help to the children. Gadafi said let her hang in there and go back to the man but Lorna said until when ? Because the culture here expects you to stay with your man or husband no matter what even though he beats you. Lorna discouraged this because it can lead to serious injuries of even death. She encouraged them to go to the probation office and report this case and also her daughter to leave this home and give her husband space . This space may make him better and if it doesn’t it’s not the end she can still bring up her children and get a good man who will respect her . The rest of the members agreed the same.
12226 This is Gadafi who mentioned that drinking Alcohol helps her forget her problems.