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Jimmy helping his father brick lay. Lorna noticed Jimmy as she was seated waiting for the community members to gather. She watched him for a while until she decided to approach him. Lorna asked him children of his age are playing but for him he is making bricks why?. He said for him he is helping out his dad and when he got tired he will go play but after finishing. Lorna asked what class he was and he said he was going to Primary six.Lorna asked what his position was he said 18th out of 50 Children. Lorna also asked how he picked interest in brick laying and he said he used to watch his dad and eventually he learnt. Lorna thanked him for helping his parents and advised him to always be respectful to them , his teachers, be disciplined, pray and when he goes back to school avoid bad peer groups.

Village: Nawampiti | Program: Life Skills Education and Counseling | Created By: lornakatagara | Date: 2020-01-28 | View Report | View full-resolution photo